Toplink Innovation associates

The associates

Alexandre LORENZI & Cédric BREMOND : a complementary team.

Alexandre LORENZI Toplink

Alexandre LORENZI

Alexandre LORENZI, former Chairman and CEO of Toplink®Innovation, is Doctor-Engineer in Optics and Signal Processing since 1983. He spent 35 years in high-tech activities management, with a special focus on Microelectronics as a co-founder of THALES Computers.


For instance, he founded in 1987 the first European leading Consulting Activity in the field of microelectronics (relying on CAD tools and VLSI Asic design) as well as several activities in GEMPLUS, from 1996, in the field of Smart Cards and Information technology.



Cédric BREMOND Toplink


Cedric BREMOND, cofounder & associate, graduated from ISITV (France) in 2003, with a special degree in engineering of telecommunications and a Master in general management (IAE Lyon).


Linking both competences, he is now successfully dealing with funded RTD projects (setting up of proposal and project coordination) for 15 years @ the local (PACA regional funding), national (French competitive clusters) or European (EURIPIDES, ITEA2, EUROSTARS  FP6, FP7 & H2020) levels.